Friday, November 20, 2009

You know you are up early when...

We had a tough night last night. Oh, no! The puppy's great. The kids were bored and Ella was tired and mega-crabby. Daddy was super-ultra-crabby after having a "crappy night's sleep and a dream that [he] lost Angus in the mall." Daisy slept on her new bed in the kitchen pretty much the whole time the whole house was whining and carrying on.

Both kids went down for a nap in the late, LATE afternoon. Angus got back up, had dinner and went back to bed at the regular time. Ella, on the other hand, couldn't quite wake back up for dinner and was wildly crabby all through their deluxe dinner of Cap'n Crunch Chicken Fingers so she went directly back to bed.

Now, I take some ribbing from my friends and fellow moms that I put my kids to bed too early and that's why they get up so early (on the average 5:30 am) but Al experimented last week and kept them up 'til 7pm. Bad idea: they were speaking in tongues by 6:30pm. And they still got up at 5:30!

What does this have to do with dogs, you say? Well, Ella came into our room at what I think was 4:15am and was starving -having not eaten her dinner last night- so we went downstairs to have some Cap'n Crunch. Afraid that Daisy, left in the bed with only Daddy to respond to her potty cues, would make a Dealbreaker mistake I took her downstairs with us. She barely woke up as I picked her up, was completely disgruntled when I took her outside to potty in the rain and now looks annoyed that I am not feeding her ahead of schedule. She also abandoned my lap for her bed in the kitchen.

You know you are up early when you put your 13 week old puppy off!

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