Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Funny. She doesn't look like a Rottweiler

So my new dog is NOT a Rottweiler. So what? You wanna fight about it?

I have made the jump to toy dog owner rather rapidly and I'm pretty sure I know why I haven't had toy breeds before.

I'm a HUGE sucker.

With the big dogs, you don't worry so much that they are cold or hungry (anyone who has had a Rottweiler knows they are hungry all the time! They were Roman dogs of war after all so they really are Italian IMHO). Yesterday, I bought a sweater for Daisy. A SWEATER!!! I was so embarrassed that I kept laughing. I took my son for his morning 5 mile run/walk at the Long Branch promenade and Daisy came along. I think she walked a total of 30 feet the entire time. I had put a soft blanket in the under-basket and she rode most of the time with her head out looking at the ocean. She barked a HUGE blue pitbull and I found myself nearly sprinting away, terrified she would be bitten, hurt, mauled by this massive dog. (OK, who am I? I own a dog BIGGER that that one?)

Oh! and my dog training judgment has been altered as well. Daisy barked the crate her first night. So I went and got her (while barking, Training Mistake #1) and brought her into bed with me and Al (Training Mistake #2).

Since my whole tough, RottenGirl image has been shattered I'm considering getting a fancy dog purse. To match my steel-toed Dr. Martin's!

1 comment:

  1. ok lets fight, will wear my steel toes too. even-steven!
