Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Daisy's First Christmas

"Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all, from Daisy the Dog!"

Okay. I have been neglecting this blog with all the holiday hullabaloo but I had gingerbread houses to build and Buche de Noels to roll... and eat. Daisy ate A LOT of stuff that hit the floor while I was baking.

Believe it or not, Daisy was NOT the first one up...

But she was pretty eager to get downstairs!

She wasn't sure what to make out of the shiny paper.

Then Pepper showed her how to chew on the ribbons!

Daisy got not one but TWO pet Snuggies, one from Ella and one from Grandma. She pulled both off within seconds!
Pepper apparently did NOT get what she asked for.

All in all it was a fun, exhausting day! And Santa was good to little Daisy!

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