Saturday, December 12, 2009

Where Am I? Oh, Yeah! Sweeping Up Glass!

Oh, so I've been missing this blog. I have been knee-deep in broken glass, both Christmas and secular. Not only has the broken balls count risen, but for some reason I have been really spazzy with any type of glass I touch.

My own personal count is as follows:

1 gold glass Christmas ball

2 tall, iced tea glasses (the last of the set to my dismay)

3 (yes, three!) pint glasses (again, the last of the set. WTF?)

1 clear wine glass

1 heavy duty blue gobblet

1 Stella Artois bottle, full (this was fun cleaning up and I nearly had to call my in-college cousins for a Helpful Hint as I didn't want to get my broom and dust pan soaked with beer; in the end I just washed said broom and dust pan)

So as you can see I have been busy cleaning up glass objects and not busy training Daisy. In fact, Alan taught her to play fetch last week. (I suck as a dog trainer right now!) I did, however, nearly fall over at 6 am this morning while trying to put on Daisy's leash and nearly broke the sliding glass doors. Actually, I think it was Christmas Miracle #2 that I didn't break them as I hit pretty hard and scared the dog.

More to come as I mellow out from the Holiday Hulabaloo!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is funny! Sorry about all the broken glass and glad you did not get hurt and slide thru the sliding glass door! Oh well. It is Christmas, maybe Santa will bring you a new supply. Your blog post is updating now along side of my blog. Hooray!
