Friday, January 8, 2010

Why Dog Owners Should Be Ever-Vigilant

So my good friend Dave had an interesting week. His cute little dog Benny spent some time with the vet due to a... wait for it... ingested WINE CORK!

Have no fear, Faithful Readers, Benny is just fine and passed the cork. As this was a happy ending story I had no problem making some Champagne and popping jokes on Dave's Facebook page. Dave himself drew and posted the silly picture I have posted here (with permission).

As the owner of a puppy, I must urge that all owners keep their homes as puppy-proof as possible. However, for a lot of us this does not end when puppyhood ends. I have Ella fairly well trained that if she leaves her toys on the floor Daisy will get them and ruin them as well as get sick enough to go the vet. Buffy the Wonder Dog, one of my Great Rottweiler Dogs of Ward, was a massive chewer despite a small fortune in appropriate "chewies." I had a collection of remote controls, cell phones and paper currency (I'm not kidding) that Buffy had destroyed until WELL into her adulthood.

Chewing is an idle time endevour for dogs. Think of their chew toys as magazines to read. They are not mad that you left and they are not seeking revenge for some human indiscretion or perceived neglect. Blame not your actions for your dogs chewing behavior, but firmly find cause in your lack of actions. Certainly I am not suggesting that you spend your day engaging your dog in stimulating animal activities, but make some time to train and play. When you are absent, give your dog a nice "chewy" to while away the hours until your return. I am a big fan of the Nylabone products (specifically the "chocolate" flavor) and the Chilly Bone, which can be soaked in water and frozen for teething or hot weather relief.

Now as far as Benny is concerned, he may or may not have been bored. I have hung out a great deal with Dave and he is a great drinking buddy! (Love ya, guy!) I have a feeling Benny was just trying to join in the party. Dave, next time pour him a glass of that vino and put his feet up!

Don't get mad, D! Glad the whole thing worked its way out and the little dude is OK!


  1. Very entertaining lesson! Glad Dave's dog will be fine. I enjoyed visiting with you when I was in NJ. I love your little Daisy, she is SOOOO CUTE!!! Halle is doing very well, adjusting to her new little friends. They are hanging out in the same room and there has been minimal teeth displays. I have been able to walk all four dogs and I know we must be a sight to behold. xoxo

  2. benny is w/ my wine drinking x, you know i dont drink wine. benny NEVER swallowed a takillya cap or worm. thats my job (well not-so-much anymore) love ya! keep on keepin'
