Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More Reunion Photos

1 comment:

  1. Very cute reunion photos and story. The mom is absolutely adorable! I cannot believe her previous family allowed her to get pregnant before she was one year old! I read further down your posts about collars --- At the recommendation of a friend of mine who does dog rescue I just got Halle a Gentle Leader collar and it works great (and I am no trainer). The Gentle Leader collar has diminished greatly her pulling on walks. I could walk Halle with 1 finger on her leash now whereas before I needed all my strength to keep her from pulling. She is a very compliant dog and was very calm as I applied the nose portion. When we set out on the walks she does sway her head a bit but ultimately gets used to it. There is still some pulling while walking but NOTHING like before. It especially helps when we encounter another dog walker along our walk. Everyone goes completely crazy. The Gentle Leader has saved our walks for sure! xoxo
