Saturday, October 10, 2009

What My Darling Daughter Wants for Christmas

My daughter has been asking for the same gift for some time. In addition, every time she sees a toy on TV she NEEDS IT. We told her that we will ask Santa for 2 gifts. He may bring more but she can only ask for two when we go to see him.

Somehow this is all backfiring on me.

Several weeks ago she asked me for another little brother. Hiding my horror at the thought of having another baby at 40, I told her we wouldn't be having any more babies and that our family was complete. She promptly said, "Ok! We should get a pink French Poodle named Penelope!" I had to laugh. Being a Rottweiler and working dog enthusiast poodles are not really my cup of tea (or stein of beer if you catch my drift). Last week, Ella was telling me that she needed a number of toys on TV and I reminded her of the Santa Deal and asked her if she thought about what two things she was going to ask Santa for. She said, "A French Poodle." I told her I didn't think that Santa would be bringing that for Christmas. She said, "OK! How about a regular poodle?" I don't seem to be playing this game very well.

Jump to this week when we had to put our Rottweiler Buffy down. One of my concerns was how to tell Ella we lost our good, old dog that would have tea parties with her in the yard and was a co-owner of the Girls' Bakery in the playset. After we took care of Buffy, I dried my tears long enough to tell Ella that Buffy was really old and got sick and that she went to Heaven with Buster (Ella was too young to really get the loss of Buster two years ago). I asked if she had any questions and she asked how our dogs got from here to There. I gave a pretty creative answer and asked if she had anything else to say or ask. Ella said, "Well, if we don't have Buffy anymore maybe we should get a French Poodle?"

I think I'm in trouble.

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