Friday, October 16, 2009

What I Want for Christmas

I know what I want for Christmas. I must be crazy. I want a puppy. Faithful readers, you know from my last blog that I was anti-puppy as my darling daughter is asking for a "french" poodle (BTW "french" poodle means a poodle with a Continental clip which will be high, HIGH maintainance and roughly $80 a month with a professional groomer though I could probably work it out myself). However, something is missing. True, Buffy was a "kennel," working dog and not a house dog of late, but our house, our family is missing something. Poor Lopey, my other "kennel" dog is sad and is missing his buddy. Alan is against it for several reasons. Firstly, he doesn't want Lopey to continue being a "kennel" dog and wants to rehome him. That is NOT happening. Lopey is brain damaged and has only one home: this one. Secondly, Alan thinks that Pepper our cat may not adjust. Third, he wants to pick the dog and make it his. THAT is NOT happening. I told him as politely as I could that I am a professional dog trainer. This is my vocation. I did not interfere when he was building our house (his vocation) and he simply must defer to me on this matter.

However, he is so directly related to Santa that I think I will have trouble conveying my wish list to the man in red!

Perhaps I will have to celebrate Kwanza this year.

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