Friday, February 12, 2010

Sheesh! It's been a while...

It's been a while since I've blogged about my dog or adventures. Oh, I've had plenty! I'll be addressing a few of them in the next few posts. Here's a quick preview...

1. Daisy barks at everyone that is not a household family member. She hates and loves large parties. She freaks out and shakes when kids ambush her. She loves or hates a guy named Trez. She is still not on her training collar as I have not received it yet from an old associate.

2. The reason I have not yet received the training collar is that this old associate is tempting me to go back to work with him at a local kennel. I am weighing my options (but frankly, I need to get my own puppy in order before I even think of heading out to train others!). I really do need some adult time away from home.

3. My Aunt Laine's Labra-doodly-o, Piper is driving her crazy... as a four month old pup should. I put in a couple of rescue calls to her and I think he is on the right path now... for the moment.

4. My Mom is being jerked around financially by a large (nameless in this blog) teaching hospital. Every time she brings in her Westie the bill jumps to thousands. The dog is only 8 years old. He just had knee surgery, needs the other knee done and they "discovered" that he had some dental work that was necessary. I have a lot to say about these teaching hospitals and will be blogging my arse off shortly. Oh, the same hospital is also trying to convince my mother's friend to sustain the life of her cancer-ridden Wheaton Terrier with chemo, radiation, etc.

5. I am also in the process of restructuring my personal life as well. But that won't be included in this blog. As juicy as the gory details are, I will be keeping this private... unless I start another blog, that is.

6. One last note, somewhat relative, I officially HATE Valentine's Day and anyone that "goes to Jerrod" should be smacked in the head.

Bloggin soon. Hope the few of you that follow didn't miss me.